Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Launch of the SINGLES INQUIRY in the Triangle!

You are cordially invited to the Launch of the SINGLES some of you know and might be familiar with the INQUIRY (Men's & Women's) we are excited to offer the opportunity for single adults to participate in this exciting new group. For those of you that are not familiar with this concept...the INQUIRY is a safe space in which single men and women are invited to share their ideas, experiences and opinions on topics that are most relevant to the single life. It will also be a wonderful way for single people in the community to meet and get to know each other by having the chance to discuss subjects that are relevant to their lives. Martin Brossman will be leading "The Inquiry" and the questions will be "How have you found joy or relief during the holiday season?"

RSVP seating
Please bring your favorite beverage or snack..

The Singles Inquiry will be meeting on MONDAY DECEMBER 3, 2007
FROM 7:30 - 9:30pm at the home of:
Rosemary Martin (Rosemary's home is called Villa Rosa)
10 Spinnaker Court, Durham, NC 27703 596-2777

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